Carmen Bajo landscape

Carmen Bajo landscape
The view from Carmen Bajo, Quito, Ecuador

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is REVIVAL and do I really care?

The word 'revival' is a word we don't seem to hear as much about anymore.  At least not in the circles I move in.  If I'm honest, I actually have more negative baggage around revivals from certain experiences in my youth, although I also confess the word also deeply stirs me to hunger for something more, something powerful, something . . . spectacular. 

I have always read accounts of revivals in the 17- and 1800's with great interest.  Men like Wesley, Whitefield, Finney and then the story of the Welsh Revival and Evan Roberts, my recent reading of the autobiography of Rodney 'Gypsy' Smith, and then of course in the last century the ministries of Billy Graham and John Wimber.  Ladies, please understand my naming of all men is not to ignore the role and place of women in these revivals as well - often it has been the prayers of the sisters that have fueled true revivals, something I confess I need to learn more about.

One thing I know, revival is MESSY.  It is an interruption into the normal flow of life that can tend to polarize people.  While great good and redemption and healing takes place, there are often also conflicts and confusion and even splits.  Where the Holy Spirit is at work, the enemy will also be active.

My interest in and also reservations about revival have been piqued lately as we have sensed a growing burden to pray for revival here at Creekside Church where I serve.  There is a growing number of people who are beginning to pray earnestly that God will do a reviving, renewing work in us and will then use us to do the same in many others.

Recently I signed the declaration that commits me to pray for revival first in my own life and then for the church in North America that is central to the OneCry campaign (see the link above).  This is a website that calls us all to cry out to God for revival.

And revival always begins with me,  So I am drawing a circle around me and asking God to start there.

Who knows but that we may yet experience a messy revolution in the church in North America yet again?  God knows we need it.

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